Enqueue Scripts and Styles in WordPress

Enqueue Scripts and Styles
Enqueue Scripts and Styles

If you are reading this post to find out how to add Javascript or CSS to your WordPress site you are on the right path. I remember my first post where I wanted to add a jQuery code, yeap, it didn’t work the first time. Actually I had to read many information and articles, but none of the was helping me, I had to add a classic Javascript file on the header of my theme, exactly the header.php file. It worked for a while but now is now working any more, guess why? Because I was not doing it the right way.

There is a way to add/enqueue these Javascript and CSS files into WordPresss. WordPress includes functions to Enqueue Scripts and Styles in a way that you can always be sure to have available those files. I am writing this article so that you can digest better the information found in the WordPress CODEX site.

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