jQuery Datatables sDom – Custom Elements

jQuery Datatables

This post is the next part of Working with the jQuery Datatables plugin. Since this tutorial is written for those familiar with the plugin You might need to learn the basics of the plugin on the following link http://behstant.com/blog/jquery/datatables-jquery-implementation/. On this tutorial I am going to focus on how to manipulate the elements of the Datatables by using the sDom property. In the first place you need to know that the plugin jQuery Datatables have 4 visual core elements:

  1. Number of items to Display.
  2. The main table.
  3. Number of records retrieved.
  4. Paginator.

Since these elements are visual you can put them in different positions or perhaps you can decide to set them visible or not, however, remember that not adding information into this property will result in a working DataTable using the default settings.

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jQuery Datatables Implementation

jQuery Datatables

jQuery Datatables

The jQuery Plugin Datatable will help you to keep those huge database results into a better and organize table. I have spoke of the jQuery Datatables plugin into this entry, so I will no use much time in the introduction of the plugin. I will focus and how you can get you database results into that Datatable.

For this Example I will be using a database, the employee table that I have been using in previous tutorials, so if you don’t remember the file structure of the table I present it again.

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Datepicker jQuery UI Implementation

jQuery UI Datepicker
jQuery UI Datepicker

On this days it is so easy to find a Javascript Datepicker on the field but if you really want a Datepicker with lots of feature you should definitely check out the jQuery UI Datepicker. This jQuery plugin is very configurable to fit your needs. In the following list you can find some of its features.

In order to use this jQuery Datepicker you only have to point to the correct elements with a CSS3 selector, for example if I have a input with id = datepicker then to attached the jQuery Datepicker to that element I would use the following code.

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Enqueue Scripts and Styles in WordPress

Enqueue Scripts and Styles
Enqueue Scripts and Styles

If you are reading this post to find out how to add Javascript or CSS to your WordPress site you are on the right path. I remember my first post where I wanted to add a jQuery code, yeap, it didn’t work the first time. Actually I had to read many information and articles, but none of the was helping me, I had to add a classic Javascript file on the header of my theme, exactly the header.php file. It worked for a while but now is now working any more, guess why? Because I was not doing it the right way.

There is a way to add/enqueue these Javascript and CSS files into WordPresss. WordPress includes functions to Enqueue Scripts and Styles in a way that you can always be sure to have available those files. I am writing this article so that you can digest better the information found in the WordPress CODEX site.

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[Plugin Dairy] – jQuery Datatable

036The jQuery plugin Datatable is a plugin that will allow you to have many features on a HTML table. This plugin is so simple to use, but if you need more complex thing you can also achieve them since the plugin is full of features that can be customize, it also includes an event listener for the action on the table.

Among the features of the Datatable plugin you can have:



  • Pagination, instant search and multi-column ordering
    Supports almost any data source:
    DOM, Javascript, Ajax and server-side processing
  • Easily theme-able: DataTables, jQuery UI, Bootstrap, Foundation
  • Wide variety of extensions inc. Editor, TableTools, FixedColumns and more
  • Extensive options and a beautiful, expressive API
  • Fully internationalisable
  • Professional quality: backed by a suite of 2900+ unit tests
  • Free open source software (MIT license)! Commercial support available.
  • Scrolling options for table viewport
  • Smart handling of column widths
  • State saving
  • Hidden columns
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