kokoroDB is library that I have created to interact with the Database. This library will free the developers from the tedious work of prepare statements, binding variables and more. So far the library allows you to select and insert information, works with PHP PDO, and store the error messages on an array.
More settings and capabilities will be added on the future like:
- Use different drivers like MySQL Improve, PostgreSQL and more.
- Connect to different databases like Oracle.
- Error messages will be thrown to allow the developer to catch them.
- Different query methods.
- Different insert methods.
- Allow the user to manage the PDO objects if needed.
- Safety transactions to prevent the autocommit, this includes the use of commit and rollback.
- And more.
If you think that this library will save you from many work you can give it a try here:
This kind of libraries will allow you to focus more in your projects than on the database, I promise.
Feel free to drop any suggestions here in the blog.